
We use the highest quality four-sided cut fir and pine timber imported from Russia.

The timber is dried in convection drying kilns to bring the moisture level to 12-16%.

For lumber production four-side Weinig K.G. planners are used Each lumber plank has slot and wedge, using which planks are joined. In these planks plane the grooves are made, so lumbers can be joined in a “curb” style.

Summer house construction

The construction elements of summer house are shown below:


Wall profile

One of the main criteria while choosing a summer house is the thickness of lumber.

Our company produces the lumbers of the following thickness: 35mm, 44mm, 60mm, 70mm and 92mm.


Lumber construction

Depending on summer house use and the place where it is built we are offering single or double wall constructions. Single wall constructions:


Double wall construction :


Floor and ceiling constructions

Depending on climate and specialties of summer house exploitation, also to improve sound isolation customer has to choose floor and ceiling constructions.

Double floor:


Double ceiling :


Double lumber, floor and ceiling constructions are manufactured only under special order of customer.

Roof cover

Roof cover is not included in the standard unit and has to be custom built according to the customer needs. The construction of summer house roof can support either bitumen cover or metal tile cover. If client wishes to cover roof with clay (or anything similar) tile, then special power-assisted roof construction is needed.

Windows and doors

Windows and doors are manufactured with glass packets. Windows opening systems allow windows to be opened in two directions. “Guodros medis” also offers arch windows and doors, and bay windows.

Standard package:

Doors and windows for all kind of walls have glass packets (double glass). Window type EUR056.

Package for special offers:

All windows can be made with shutters.

** - special offers


All summer houses need concrete foundation. After the order is agreed, the precise drawing of summer house foundation is made available to the customer.

Production terms

Summer houses are produced in 2-4 weeks after the order is accepted.


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